Tikanga kākahu are directly purchased through Promo-X and will take about 2 weeks to be ready. You can go in to the shop at 257 Hillside RD South Dunedin or go on to the website using the password - TEKU258. If you can source cheaper please do so, but please have the kura logo printed before Feb 7th.
Kura Poutama ākonga are required to wear a "Number 1" uniform when they are in public or hosting manuhiri. They still have the option of a Kura t.shirt and sweatshirt for their everyday wear. Below are some options from a number of suppliers if you can source cheaper please do so, but please have the kura logo printed before Feb 7th.
Ngā taitamawāhine
Light in the box - Womens Blazer and search #8846420.
All ties will be supplied by kura, however they will only get one tie due to the limited supply
Black stockings from any shop i.e. Warehouse when cold
White socks / Black school shoes
Ngā taitamatāne
Light in the box - Mens Blazer and search #8900874
All ties will be supplied by kura, however they will only get one tie due to the limited supply
Black socks and black school shoes or dress shoes